Slight mishap in that the sauce was more watery than I had anticipated, but it tasted good all the same. You can't see, but underneath these toppings there is a lovely crust (which I made from scratch. Why would anyone buy pizza dough/pizza if they have the time to make their own, fresh?)
I have decided cooking is just another form of creating art. (But edible art! Oooh, how I would love edible body glitter/ paint...ah well...) In other words, I'm totally The Girl With A Pearl Earring.
I command: Divulge the recipe for the sauce and let us judge it. Now!
Chana, you still have yet to answer my sincere and genuine question about the practice of making parties during the nine days. I was under the impression that such things are frowned upon, yet seem to have parties every night!
What's the dealio?
P.S. Would you mind responding this time? THANKS :)
Anon- Didn't make the sauce- that was store-bought.
Elegie, Op. 3- it's not a real party. It's just that everything I do, even if it is eating canned tuna, is a party by me. My life is a party. That's all that I mean.
Also, who're you?
That almost makes me want to bake something too....
And I LOVE Girl With a Pearl Earring. I watched it a while ago, but I've been wanting to watch it again.
Cooking IS an art!!!!I am an artist in my kitchen! My secret is that I am never restricted by such silly things as measurements. A bit of this, a generous scoop of that, and poof! you have a delectable creation!
what brand sauce and did you add anything?
Chana, did you hear about the police car chase that ended at the corner of 188th St. and Amsterdam Ave.? An article about it is here:
Yeah, I was here. We heard the helicopter circling about/ friends of ours watched it happen.
This looks delish.What are you making for shabbos?
That's a very interesting way of viewing life, Chana, and I wish I could be as optimistic as you. But, for better or for worse, I doubt that's ever going to happen.
And without revealing too much (that's the idea of having an alias, as you well know :P), I'm currently an undergrad music student (as the name suggests) who, through the skillful art of web browsing, has recently come across your blog.
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