Our 4th Yeshiva University Medical Ethics Society conference will be taking place October 18 and is entitled "The Human Blueprint: Jewish Perspectives on Modern Genetics." Topics include: reproductive genetics, cancer genetics, personalized medicine, Familial Dysautonomia, law and genetics, and more. Additionally, we are honored and privileged to have Madeline deLone, Executive Director of the Innocence Project present on DNA and forensics and access to DNA at the conference.
If you are a rabbi, physician, lawyer, medschool student, pre-med or an interested layperson (like myself!) you should definitely come!
Advance registration is necessary. Please click here to register!
As an aside: If you want to save another date, save October 17. If you're a female in Washington Heights and like Parshat Bereishit, come to the Women's Shabbat Mevarchim Shiur after Mincha at Mt. Sinai (in the Beit Midrash downstairs). I'll be giving it. *smile* And yes, there is a Seudah Shlishit party that features refreshments- at least that's what I've been told. And before the guys ask why I'm being exclusive, the answer is that I'm not- this is the way the shul does it. Go protest and tell them you want it to be a coed shiur; that's what I'd prefer.
Thanks for great info as usual. I'm so excited for you. You finally get a chance to give a shiur! I'm sad the guys are not included. Please update us on how it goes. I'll be looking forward to at least that.
Shana tovah!
chana!! i wish i could go, but it's the same date/time as the breast cancer walkathon.. enjoy!!
Perhaps you can make it up to those of us whose chromosomes preclude our participation by posting after the shiur.
I'm glad that you'll be giving a shiur. Please do post the content once you give it and let us know how it went.
Shana tova and G'mar tov , Chana!
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