Monday, July 27, 2009

That Class I Said I Would Give

Hello everyone who said they were interested in attending a class/ lecture I would give on Tanakh!

Could you please email me? I'd like to put together a listserv of people so that:

1. I could figure out which day of the week would serve everyone best
2. I can figure out which room in Furst/ YU I will hijack in order to give said class (or perhaps I shall just hold it in my apartment- we shall see- as it depends on the number of people)



ilanica said...

Oh cool, I would definitely be interested!

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Will you webcast it as well?

Shimon said...

Please Please record and upload to The Curious Jew Podcast

me ;-) said...

don't hold it in your apartment. security, you know. . .

please do post the podcasts!

Anon said...

Jameel, what is the best way to webcast live?

Irina Tsukerman said...

Would be awesome! I'm totally in!