Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yeshiva University Event Coverage

It occurred to me that it would be much easier for everyone to read my (usually unofficial) notes from events and lectures at Yeshiva University if everything were organized under one post. I could then update this post whenever I posted new material. I'll also place it in my sidebar for easy access.

So here you go.


Hasidic Worlds in Fiction (Judy Brown [Eishes Chayil], Anouk Markovits, 10/15/12)


Being Gay in the Orthodox World: A Discussion with Members of the YU Community
(Mordechai Levovitz, Avi Kopstick, Jonathan, Joshua, 12/22/09)


Introduction to Bible: The Order, Chapters, Text & Vocalization of the Bible (The Adept, 1/21/10)

History of the Jews' Creative Torah-Derived Literature (Elazar Hurvitz, 1/20/10)

The Ultimate Biblical Hebrew Cheatsheet (Semester 1) (Dr. Richard Steiner, Yair Shahak, 1/11/10)

Ibn Ezra & Biblical Criticism: The Secret of the Twelve (The Adept, list of sources in Gottesman here, 11/05/09)

A Brief Introduction To Biblical Criticism & Orthodox Thought (The Adept, 10/28/09)

Teshuva vs. Kappara: Repentance and Atonement In Jewish Intellectual History/ Why Do We Read Jonah On Yom Kippur? (The Adept, 09/24/09)

Biblical Hebrew (Class 1) (08/26/09)

Biblical Narrative: Book of Samuel (Class 1) (08/26/09)

First Day of Revel! (Adele Berlin's 'On The Use of Traditional Jewish Exegesis) (o8/26/09)

Queen of the Revel Castle (Rabbi Mordechai Cohen's Samuel Syllabus) (08/24/09)


My Guide to Stern College for Women (05/24/07)


Tanach Yom Iyun 2009, "Exile and Redemption in Tanach and Jewish History," featuring a multitude of speakers. The ones I actually attended were Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, Dr. Josh Karlip, Dr. Aaron Koller, Dr. Shawn Zelig Aster and Rabbi Yaakov Elman (04/ 26/09)

Tanakh Yom Iyun 2008, "Controversial Figures in Tanakh" featuring a multitude of speakers- the ones I actually attended were Dr. David Pelcovitz, Mrs. Nechama Price, Dr. Shawn Zelig Aster, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, and Rabbi Shalom Carmy (11/ 02/ 08)

Tanakh Yom Iyun 2008 featuring a multitude of speakers- the ones I actually attended were Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Jeremy Wieder, Dr. Lawrence Schiffman, Dr. Mordechai Cohen and Rabbi Menachem Leibtag (o3/ 23/ 08)


Maharat Sara Hurwitz: Can Women Be Rabbis? by Maharat Sara Hurwitz (11/02/09)

Midrash Before Hazal: Why It's Important For Orthodox Jews by Dr. James Kugel (12/11/08)

The Kosher Quandary: Ethics and Kashrut by Rabbi Avi Shafran, Rabbi Menachem Genack, Rabbi Basil Herring and R' Shmuly Yanklowitz (12/09/08)

The Human Blueprint: Jewish Perspectives on Modern Genetics (09/18/09) by Dr. Adrienne Asch, Dr. Gil Atzmon, Dr. Edward Burns, Rabbi Kenneth Brander, Madeline Delone, Esq., Shelley Klein, Esq., Matthew Kaplan, Dr. Susan Lobel, Dr. John Loike, Syd Mandelbaum, Dr. Harry Ostrer, Dr. Wayne Rosenkrans, Dr. Berish Rubin, Rabbi Herschel Schachter, Rochelle Shoretz, Esq., Rabbi Dr. Moshe D. Tendler, Rabbi Dr. Richard Weiss and Rabbi Mordechai Willig.

Catching Cancer Before It Catches You: Medical and Halachic Implications of BRCA Gene Testing by Rav Mordechai Willig, Dr. Stanley Waintraub, MD, FACP, Aliza Sara Ricklis (Genetic Counselor), Ann Frisch

The Sanctity of Life: A Jewish Approach to End of Life Challenges by Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman, Dr. Beth Popp, Dr. Tia Powell, Rabbi Dr. Moshe Tendler, Rabbi Kenneth Brander, Dr. Alexander Okun, Rabbi Simcha Scholar, Rabbi Mordechai Willig and a host of breakout session speakers (09/14/08)

Split Decision: Separation of Conjoined Twins in Halakha by Dr. Gerard Weinberg, Mr. David Wasserman and Rabbi Daniel Feldman (03/ 18/ 08)

How To Be an Orthodox Jewish Physician in a Secular World by Rabbi Dr. Abraham S. Abraham (12/ 26/ 07)

The Halachik Hero: How Far Must One Go To Save Another's Life? by Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman and Mr. Jay Feinberg (11/27/07)

Partners in Creation: Fertility, Modern Medicine and Jewish Law by Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman, Dr. Richard Grazi, Rabbi Kenneth Brander, Dr. Susan Lobel, Rav Menachem Burshtein, Rav Herschel Schachter & 9 other speakers (10/14/07)

Are you My Mother? Surrogate Motherhood in Jewish Law by Dr. Adrienne Asch and Rabbi Kenneth Brander (04/ 25/ 07)

Nose Job or No Job? Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Halacha by Dr. Gary Berger and Rabbi Dr. Richard Weiss (3/ 28/ 07)

Genetic Screening by Rabbi Mordechai Willig (1/ 29/ 07)

Creating in God's Image? Cloning in Jewish Law by Dr. John Loike and Rabbi Moshe Tendler (1/ 24/ 07)

Organ Donation: A Matter of Life and Death by Rabbi Edward Reichman, Adina Raskas, Dr. Stuart Greenstein, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Rabbi Kenneth Brander, R' Avraham Steinberg, Edward Burns, Dr. Fred Rosner (09/ 11/ 06)


YU Israel Club: Yom Hazikaron/ Yom Ha'atzmaut Tekes (04/ 23/ 07)

YU Israel Club: Yom Hazikaron (Presentation of "A Hero in Heaven" about Michael Levin, z"l and speech by Phil Blumenfeld about Amichai Merchavia z"l) (04/ 22/ 07)

V'Shavu Banim Speech: Speech from Family of Udi Goldwasser, Kidnapped Israeli Soldier (09/ 19/ 06)


History, Truth and Religious Commitment by Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter (3/ 22/ 07)

Texts and Contexts in Terms of Jewish Texts: What's in it for You? by Rabbi Ephraim Kanarfogel (11/ 20/ 06)


The Norman Lamm Prize 2010: Presented to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (3/16/09) by Chancellor Norman Lamm, Ari Lamm, President Joel & Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

YU and NCSY Dinner & Discussion (11/19/07) by Rabbi Solomont, Rabbi Burg, President Joel and Rabbi JJ Schacter

The Rav's Vision: The Lonely Man of Faith, a Documentary (2/ 05/ 07)

The Heresy of Intelligent Design by Rabbi Natan Slifkin (08/ 28/ 06)


  1. Another suggestion: Put your collection of notes as a set of links on the side bar. If you look at my blog, you'll see I have a collection of what I consider to be my best posts; maybe you could do something along those lines.

  2. ...or create drop-down menus. Or, though I don't know how to use it yet, label your posts - the new Blogger will organize accordingly.

    Also, you left out the Stern play!

  3. The notes ARE in the sidebar. See under 'My Lecture Notes' the link YU Event Coverage.

    Drop-Down Menus are no good when it comes to linking. See, my intent is that someone can have easy access to everything at once. They never have to visit my main blog again in an attempt to ferret out information; they only have to link to one post.

    I didn't write a review of the Stern play; I simply engaged in some vitriolic conversation.
