Friday, May 06, 2011

Love in Judaism

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach said:
    The right yeshiva is a place where there is so much love that it's awesome. G-d gave us Torah with so much love, so if I want to give over the Torah to my children it has to be done in that same way. Rabbi Nachman says that each time vou learn you are bringing the Torah down from heaven. If you teach the Torah with anger, and tell them: "You have to, you have to, you have to" - No. It has to be so deep that they want to. The spiritual depths of the Torah have to be presented.
Who (if it's a particular person) or what (if it's an organization) in your experience has presented Judaism to you with the most love?


  1. Chabad campus shluchim (Had to even out the score a bit. But it's true.)

  2. I had a few teachers in high school who did that for me.

  3. Late nights in the abandoned shtible

  4. my bubbie (your library lady at school :-))

  5. My Rav.

    I love this quote. It is so so important, and many people do not understand that this is fundamental. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Rav Tzvi Yehudah Hacohen Kook
    His student, Rav Dov Bigon

  7. If anyone here was actually serious you would all be screaming out Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel (shlitah) - hopefully you know who that is. If you do, there is no further discussion.
