Sunday, November 21, 2010

Welcome To The First Day Of Your Life

This is me.

This is me with lots of Hasidim during my Mitzvah Tantz. Also, probably a picture you never expected to see on this blog.

Which just goes to show that life is a journey and you never end up where you think you will. That growth is imperative. That Heshy is wonderful. And that God decided I should be happy.

The hardest part of ending is starting again.
~"Waiting for the End" by Linkin Park

Just open up your eyes as I lay you down tonight
Safe on the other side, no more tears to cry
~"Open Up Your Eyes" by Daughtry


  1. You are as beautiful as I thought you would be. And your writing reflects that beauty of yours. Mazel tov! May you and Heshy have a great life together.

  2. Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the beginning of the rest of your life! ;)

  3. how happy do these pictures make me? so happy. CHANA!!!!!!!!!!

    a whole blog about you

  5. Kallah na'ah vachasudah!! (Kesubos 17a). We pasken like beis hillel. But even according to beis shammai, we can still say "kallah na'ah vachasudah!"

    mazal tov!!

  6. I was @ your wedding and can vouch that it was way beyond beautiful. Everything was done in such good taste. And the pic of you in this post doesn't do you justice. You were absolutely radiant ,btw something that all chassidim kept on mentioning over and over again. Mazel tov once again!

  7. Absolutely beautiful. Wow! That must have been quite a mitzva tantz! So many chassids holding on to the pink gartel. Why pink? really beautiful.

  8. chana! This is absolutely stunning! Like the first comment I feel all your beauty is coming together in that wedding photo!
    Continue to shine!
    Mazal tov! Binyan Adei Ad!

  9. Just lovely! Mazel tov!

  10. beth hillel says we can say it even if its not true. beth shamai only if its true.
    By saying that you qualify even according to beth shamai means it is true.
    So what is the great problem.

  11. Apologies if my comment was misconstrued. It was meant in good faith...

    To clarify: Beis Shammai over there says we praise the kallah "kamut she'hi," as she is. And the intent of my earlier comment is to praise Chana as "na'ah vachasudah," _even_ according to the stricter criteria of Beis Shammai.

  12. Mazel tov Chasan and Kalah,

    As a long time reader of your blog, and someone with a lot of respect for your wisdom and maturity, may I suggest the two of you check out SHALOMWORKSHOP.ORG.

    The workshops are highly encouraged for ALL engaged or newly wed couples and have the haskamas of gedolim as well as Rabbi Dr Twersky.

    As wise and mature as the two of you are, marraige is a whole new world of nisyonos and this workshop does a tremendous job of preparing a new chasan a kallah for those challenges by giving them the proper perspectives as well as practical tools to navigate those challenges.

    Please sign up for a workshop and then tell your readers all about it.

    Mazel Tov again!

  13. Reading her posts I dont think there is much 'Mrs' Chana doesnt know yet. If anything she could teach them plenty!

  14. As i said, i know she is very mature and wise, but she is just married now, and to think that she can teach the course just based on her own readings is frankly being pretty naive. The medical student who aces all of his exams, and has memorized all of the text books, is still not allowed to attempt surgery, or even any medical procedure, without supervision for the first few years.

    Marriage is not a simple thing. It takes time and LIFE EXPERIENCE to begin to understand. If she and her chasan are TRULY wise and mature, they would realize that even they could benefit from this (or any similar type) course. Thinking that one is above preparation for marrige does not show wisdom and maturity. It shows arrogance and a lack of real maturiy.

  15. Anon November 23, 2010 10:56 AM ,

    your comment is ridiculous. You know what would be good? For you to stop spewing your poison here or anywhere else.

  16. Im sorry, youre right. My bad.

    I mean, pre-marital counseling is endorsed and highly encouraged by gedolim both in the Torah world as well as the non-Jewish Mental Health world. But you probably know better.

    Maybe I should take my "poison" elsewhere.

  17. Anon 11/23/2010 1156am

    Please chill.

    Anon 11/23/2010 1056am 1241pm

    I think Chana (and, I assume, Heshy, since he has the good sense to marry her) have the common sense to seek these kinds of programs if they need it.

    Speaking only for myself, I am not willing to do or not do things merely because some anonymous "godol" says so. They certainly know more Gemara than I do. Unfortunately, as we have seen over the last few years, knowledge of Gemara does not always guarantee good judgment.

  18. Nudnik,

    I agree.

    Hence the fact I added "non-Jewish mental health" experts as well.

  19. Chana,may you be as happy for the rest of your life as you are happy now,and please please can we have some more pictures of the wedding

  20. You look absolutely stunning in that dress. It's so you! There is a buzz @ the heights about your wedding. Heard it was absolutely gorgeous and leibedik. Too bad I couldn't make it, mazel tov though.
