Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Married Married Married MARRIED!





  1. mazal tov, I hope that hkb"h answers all your prayers ltova. Also when you hear about bayit neeman check out מצודת דוד שמואל א פרק ב פסוק לה

    Joel Rich

  2. "Squee" indeed, my dear! That says it perfectly!
    Enjoy each other now and for always, and may Hashem grant you a house of happiness, G-dliness, and coruscation.

  3. Mazal tov! Much nachas and bracha and everything good and happy!

  4. Mazal Tov! May you both have long years of happiness, health and joy together.

    The Wolf

  5. Mazel Tov Chana,

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop even up to your wedding day! May your hearts and souls be joined in ecstasy.

  6. MAZAL TOV! Enjoy the wedding and the life together! :))) All the best!

  7. Mazal Tov! May you have many happy, healthy years together!

  8. Mazal Tov and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, dearest Chanaleh! Wishing you a long and happy life together filled with love, laughter, health, prosperity, serenity, and all the most beautiful blessings G-d can grant two wonderful people who are truly meant for each other.

  9. Mazal Tov! I wish you all happiness together.

  10. love.... ahh
    HASHEM SHOULD SHINE HIS COUNTENANCE ON U with all the blessigns materially and spiritually

  11. Can't wish you enough Mazal Tov, joy, health and and best wishes!

  12. mazal tov, mazal tov, MAZAL TOV!

  13. Have a great day! Marriage is an amazing thing, which is why the analogy is used between God and His people. It is the image Christ is made to fulfill.

  14. Mazel Tov forever!

    Can't believe you aren't liveblogging the wedding! :-)


  15. Mazel Tov, from a newly married woman in South Africa.

    I know the excitement that you have been feeling, and love for HaShem, that he has helped you find your beshert, and become a new family.

    May HaShem bless and watch over you, and your Chatan. May you be filled with bracha and simcha.

  16. Mazal tov!!! I'm so happy for you! May you and Heshy have many healthy, happy years together and build a home that exemplifies ahavat yisrael and yirat shamayim.

  17. Mazal tov to you and Heshey, and much hatzlacha!

  18. i was by the wedding last night and BOY !!!!! what a wedding.... ive not seen such a beutiful crowd with somanny diffrent backrounds... chassidim i soppose from Brooklyn with their shraimels and people from Not such frum homes how thay were dancing and enjoying like one big family. but what botherd me a little was what the groom Heshy said by the mitzvah dance wich in my eyes was not appropiat and not at the right time cause i know what and how much time and effort and mony it took for tham and us to come........its just my thoght !!!! but other than that WEW!!!!! what a wedding. you should be zoche to be together in many years ahead

  19. MAZEL TOV!! on the weding what a beutiful wedding ive never been to a wedding with so many diffrant backrounds....chassim with their shraimels from i suppose brooklyn....to people from not such religus homes dancing togeather like one big family.....what distubed me thogh was when heshy the star of the night got up to sppek witch in my oppinion was not the right time to say what he did cause I know how much time and effort and money thay spent to attend the wedding and come in from Brooklyn (i also came in from out of town) but again its My appinion.....othe then that WEW!!!! what a wedding...you both should have alot of naches together for many years to come......

  20. Mazel Tov!!

    when I got married...there were no blogs...

  21. moshe says
    mazal tov to you and your choson

  22. MAZAL TOV!!!!
    אחותנו את היי לאלפי רבבה ויירש זרעך את שער שונאיו

  23. mazal tov!

    may you build a binyad adai ad al yesodai hatorah v'hamitzvos

    may you be as happy on your 79th wedding anniversary as you are today!

    v'nomar amen :-)

  24. Mazel tov Chasan and Kalah,

    As a long time reader of your blog, and someone with a lot of respect for your wisdom and maturity, may I suggest the two of you check out SHALOMWORKSHOP.ORG.

    The workshops are highly encouraged for ALL engaged or newly wed couples and have the haskamas of gedolim as well as Rabbi Dr Twersky.

    As wise and mature as the two of you are, marraige is a whole new world of nisyonos and this workshop does a tremendous job of preparing a new chasan a kallah for those challenges by giving them the proper perspectives as well as practical tools to navigate those challenges.

    Please sign up for a workshop and then tell your readers all about it.

    Mazel Tov again!

  25. Chana and Heshy,

    As a cousin of Heshy's from New York who couldn't make it to the wedding, I would like to offer my best wishes to you both. Heshy, I haven't gotten to know your wife, but by reading the blog and seeing all the positive comments, you really found a special wife. Chana, your new husband is everything you think of him and more!

    May you both have a life of love and happiness together and build a beautiful Jewish home.

  26. Wow, what a wedding! Such beautiful sentiments and wishes from the world over.

    Anonymous November 17, 2010 2:40 PM, thanks for the compliments and for coming to the wedding. I don't want to respond because this is not the proper forum. I will just say that I truly hope you are able to be sensitive to your own wife and family. Also, there was no other time to say it, and so I will disagree with your opinion. I will also say that I value respect, sensitivity, openness to admitting when one is wrong and desire to learn new lessons in kavod habriyos and avodas Hashem more than money (and I guess, time). May we see each other only at simchas.

    Anonymous November 19, 2010 2:03 PM,

    Thanks and I wish you would say who you are so I could respond in kind.

