Friday, August 29, 2008

YU Medical Ethics 2008: The Sanctity of Life

Attention. This is a sticky post, and will remain here for some time. Scroll down for new content.

The YU Medical Ethics Society would like to invite you to its newest presentation about Jewish Medical Ethics, focusing on the sanctity of life and caring for those who are extremely ill, verging upon death. As you would assume, there are many halakhic issues that occur when one is caring for someone at that stage of life.

The conference will focus on pediatric end of life challenges, adult end of life challenges, health care proxy, assisted suicide and the value of life and hospice care and pain management.

The conference will take place on September 14, 2008. Registration is available at


  1. When you say "sticky" are you referring to this?

  2. Sounds very interesting. Planning to attend. Thanks for the info.

  3. Drs Okun,Greenstein and Tendler have a lot to offer . Should be a fantastic conference. Thanks for the info,Chana.

  4. Do you have any idea which Dr/Rabbi's notes you are going to be typing up yet? Would like a chance to meet you.

  5. Dr Pelcovits will be presenting as well. All psych majors will benefit greatly from this. Thanks,Chana.


  6. The Journal deals with ethical issues in treatment and management of diseases.History of Medicine and Ethics Journal provides a forum for healthcare professionals, theologians, philosophers and sociologists to exchange their ideas from several aspects in relation to Medical ethics and Bioethics
