Monday, July 09, 2012

I ♥ Steve Behnke

There's a part of 'The Center Cannot Hold' by Elyn R. Saks that is just incredible, and that is in one of her first encounters with Steve.

Excerpt follows.


It was late one blustery fall night, in the bowels of the law school, when I was struggling badly, not so long after I'd told Steve about myself. "You can't imagine what it's like in an emergency room- it's god-awful, the way they tie you down and make you wait all night till someone has time to see you. They walk into your room at the crack of dawn, because they're ready to talk. What do they possibly expect you to say except "Let me f'ing go!'"

Steve looked at me with an impish grin. "Quote Hamlet, perhaps?" And in his best Shakesperean accent he intoned, "Lo, noble physician, the 'morn in russet mantle clad walks o'er the dew of yon high easterward hill. So loosen my chains, kind sir, for the tasks of the day await me."

He smiled. I laughed. He got it. I knew this man, whose depth of heart was equal to the speed of his mind, would be a lifelong friend.

-page 196


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