Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Things that Move Me

-Watching my blondish brown haired boy with a basketball in his hand, performing the most graceful, elegant dance possible as he speeds down the court, performs multiple passes and then swishes the ball through the net. This dance is gorgeous and I feel like I'm watching a thing of beauty when I see it.

-Reading projects that my children turn in to me and realizing that they are full of incredible insight and depth. I feel like I am standing in the presence of greatness and this in turn makes me feel indebted to them. My children spill over with spiritual potential and insight, and I love that I get to witness this and am a party to that sparkle of God that rests within them.

The love that I feel towards my children is more consuming than almost any other feeling I have and it is one that fills me with joy. I feel uplifted and excited upon witnessing their accomplishments and I am thrilled by everything that they do well in. I am glad to be a part of their lives and I feel like the edges of our pictures meet, so that my Polaroid corner blurs a bit into theirs. And for this I am grateful.

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