Monday, September 13, 2010

When Rashi Isn't Rashi

I love how I walk into Divrei HaYamim class and am happily informed, upon opening Divrei HaYamim, that the commentary that looks like Rashi and is entitled Rashi and quacks like Rashi is in fact not Rashi.

Huzzah for Pseudo-Rashi.


  1. Do you not enjoy Rashi?

  2. see Kinnot Mesorat Harav to Kinnah 22, especially pp.434-435

  3. Better yet, see Eran Vizel, The Commentary on Chronicles Attributed to Rashi [Hebrew], Magnes Press: Jerualem, 2010 (335 pp.)

  4. And the Targum on Chronicles is unusual too.

    Also, "Rashi" on quite a few masechtot of Bavli simply isn't.

  5. Wow! Just chanced upon this post and I had actually been wondering about the Rashi style in Divrei Hayomim (random, I know)... there are so many lines that don't sound like Rashi at all. Glad to hear that both Rashi and I haven't lost our respective minds! Do you know who wrote it? Where are you taking a Divrei Hayomim class?
