Thursday, October 01, 2009

This Is What I Do At 11 PM


Started with Bust Your Windows, moved on to the Operation Blade remix, and the club scene in "Basic Instinct" has fantastic dance music. (Ha, and I found the Operation Blade remix with the countdown. Best dance track ever.)

If I were not Jewish the first thing I would do, after buying a prom dress, would be to sign up for dance lessons. All kinds. Dance lessons would be amazing.


  1. >If I were not Jewish the first thing I would do, after buying a prom dress, would be to sign up for dance lessons

    You mean, "If I were not Orthodox"...

  2. I don't see why being Jewish has to completely preclude you from dancing - there are only certain things you can't do, like mixed dancing with touching...

    Talk to my sister-in-law: she is actually studying dance therapy, and is apparently an awesome dancer, according to my brother (I have not seen her perform due to tznius considerations). But she's an orthodox jew who dances...

  3. You can be orthodox and dance. come on

  4. The type of dancing I favor is the sort that would have to be taught by a male dancemaster. It would also be totally inappropriate - I'm interested in tango, salsa, latin ballroom, etc.

    Arthur- I did mean if I were not Jewish, because to me Judaism is defined by its halakhic nature. Thus, if I were not Jewish I could dance.

  5. One of the few forbidden desires that I am completely comfortable with, and only refrain from because of halachic restrictions, is swing dancing.

    I think I get your point now...

  6. Chana,

    I understand why you refrain, but sometimes Halacha and minhagim just make me shake my head.

  7. swing++
    I actually came to Yiddishkeit because of someone I met at Swing Nite one motzaei Shabbos in college.

    As a former church organist/musical theater type/once-nascent choir director for whom that meant a lot, I feel a similar pain. Anyone have any frum theater experiences to share?
