Sunday, August 09, 2009

A Month From Today: Angel's Day!

A month from today is 9-09-09. Now, isn't that interesting? There's perfect symmetry. 999. It's like Angel's Day, because 666 is Devil's Day and 999 is the flipped-upside-down version. Therefore, by virtue of its awesomeness, 9/09/09 is fabulosity day extroardinaire and everything that happens on that day is fantastical and dusted in sparkles. Maybe I should host a 999 party. We can learn all about angels by virtue of its being Angel's Day. So everyone can come eat cake and learn interesting stuff about the angelic crew in heaven. That'd be fun, no? We can compare and contrast the angels by Gideon and Shimshon and I'll be surrounded by lots of people eating angel's food cake. The only problem is that I have class till 8:40 pm. Would anyone come to a party that starts and ends before 5:00 pm?


  1. Hmm interesting not the only one up so late ha ha just kidding otherwise it would be wise recording the classes if there is a belief of unbelievable talent trust me i'm in all the way with talent thing otherwise bit far away for me but there in spirit enjoy it tc gn tl bb

    Ben Rosenfeld

  2. there's an animated movie named "9" coming out on 9/9/'9

  3. by the way that sounds awesome wow i need to research more on it tc tl bb

    Ben Rosenfeld
