Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Empathy as a Code of Honor: Verstehen

I learned the most awesome new word in class. It's basically a codified way of stating that one must be empathic toward other people and look at their world from their point of view rather than from yours. Thus, you cannot be judgemental, but rather strive to feel, see and experience through their eyes. The word is verstehen.


  1. sounds like the yiddish word farshein - understand.

    it's the ultimate practice of moral relevance, which is the ultimate form of denying that god has demands from us.

  2. I don't think that's true. To understand is not to condone. You can look at something through another's eyes and see where they are coming from- you can empathize with them- but you can also appreciate that there are certain actions they find acceptable that you do not.

  3. What a wonderful word! But remember, verstehen is easier idealized than internalized. Much easier. Good luck to you, my friends...

  4. you'd be a fool to think Verstehen doesn't chip away and erode at ones own moral compass.

  5. My darling Anonymous, I am not merely a fool, I am The Fool.

  6. "I am The Fool."

    Nice to know you are male, it looks like class did get to you.

  7. One day there will be no more Chana, only Chanina.

  8. I see that the nasty Anons 11:50 and 11:56 pm are back!
    Wow! You truly have nothing better to do but lurk around.

  9. I see the humorless nehemiah is back

  10. Actually, if I were a man I would prefer the name Yonatan. (But I appreciate your kindness in offering me the name Chanina. So very solicitous and sweet of you.)

  11. >Actually, if I were a man I would prefer the name Yonatan.

    Is it because you long for a *special* relationship with David?

    Maybe the class DID get to you :)

  12. Okay, that actually made me smile. Well done, m'friend. Although, per Freud, I'd be longing for a relationship with my mum; that's the Oedipal complex.

  13. Thanks for the compliment. You boosted my Ego. :)
