Thursday, July 09, 2009

Blue Nails, Omelettes & Hispanic Men

Firstly, for Daddy, here are the blue nails:

Secondly, I broke my fast on a beautiful omelette! Huzzah omelettes.

Thirdly, I love Hispanic people. All the people in Washington Heights, which means Dominican Republic people, are incredibly chivalrous and sweet. Every time I've walked to my building carrying packages, people have opened the door for me, taken my groceries from me, helped me move things, and otherwise been absolutely wonderful. Hurrah for wonderful Hispanic men! You are my heroes. If only more Jewish men took lessons in chivalry from you. Seriously, you are freaking awesome wonderful people, O' Hispanic men who hold doors, take my bags, open locks, offer to lend me keys and push elevator buttons on my behalf.


  1. This blog should be renamed Olly's Cooking Adventures. :)

    (It's 530am, and this makes sense to me.)

  2. Once again, the Jewish gentlemen who are hispanohablantes get no appreciation!

  3. learn spanish, and then listen to the hispanics taking about all the girls on the train

  4. Ezzie,
    I kind of like to see the pictures of Chana's culinary creations and wouldn't mind the title of Olly's Cooking Adventures at all. But I must say that Curious Jew covers it all.

  5. Delicious meal! Now you'll have to share the recipes with the rest of us!

  6. A good omelette is worth a lot.

  7. Have you ever read Aliza Hausman's blog? She grew up as a Dominicanand asserts that many are extremely anti-Semitic.

  8. Many of the Dominicans I grew up with, especially in my family, were, indeed, anti-Semitic. Many of my family members recovered when I married a Jew. However, it should be noted the Dominican Republic was one of the few countries that took in Jews fleeing Europe during the Holocaust.
