Sunday, May 17, 2009

Teshuva Through English Literature

"There is a way to be good again."

~Main theme of The Kite Runner, which I read this Shabbat alongside A Class Apart: Prodigies Pressure and Passion Inside One of America's Best High Schools, This Lullaby, part of The Dante Club and the beginning of the sequel to Cheaper by the Dozen.



  1. Aren't we all, in the beginning- good, and then we always have a spark that continues to be good? So then, how can we be good again?
    We are always partially good.

    By the way, what's with the header change- I miss Calvin and Hobbes.

  2. It struck me when reading Kite Runner that it would make a good camp play. We could change the setting to make it Jewish. It could be in pre war Europe. Chaim the rich kid lets his poor friend Yanky be beat up by some Polish kids. The war comes and Chaim escapes with his father. Years later he has to come back to rescue Yanky's son from Communist Poland.

  3. it easy to be more good.
    just visit :

  4. I do agree. I think we can always find a moment to be good again, to return. But what I'm not sure of is how that feels in the moment - I often can't figure out how I'm supposed to be good, to actualize it in the moment.
