Tuesday, November 04, 2008


My Senator is now President, and we've all just made history. That's amazing! Huzzah Barack Obama!


  1. if you ask me i'd go for:

    Chana 2012

  2. I pray your sason is justified and becomes simcha.
    Joel Rich

  3. And I thought you were insightful and could see beyond rhetoric and superficial charisma.

  4. Its funny, YU was probably the only college in the whole northeast and one of the only colleges in the entire country that went for mccain (along with maybe Bob Jones and byu).

  5. I wholeheartedly agree with Josh.

  6. History would have been made either way.

  7. I thought you were intelligent enough to get past your emotions. I pity you, your life will be wreaked, if you don't start using your very gifted head.

  8. This is hilarious; all of you have determined being a Democrat equates to lack of knowledge or stupidity. I find the fact that that thought process is meant to be wise considerably entertaining.

  9. Chana, they were not equating voting for a democrat with a lack of knowledge or stupidity. They were equating voting for a man with no experience, anti-semitic ties, and socialist beliefs, with a lack of knowledge or stupidity.

    In any case, I am proud that such a barrier has been broken, and I hope that this country can unite and move foward. But I cannot pretend that my terrible doubts and fears about Obama have magically evaporated.

  10. How about giving Mr Obama a chance to do something about the mess this country is in? Thank you.

  11. Josh,J,Sarah and Anon 4:02pm,

    What a great JUDGEMENTAL group you make! Lighten up!

  12. Chana,I'm with you!

    When is Observer issue#3 coming out? Looking forward to another must read.

  13. My take on politics is 95 percent of the time i am with you chana regarding democrats but i'm sorry not on this one obama will seriously kill us here it is my hope that Hashem will help us in israel to be safer that is why he let Obama rule now
    Obama is a phenomenal public speaker last night he wasn't but he talks of change but he has no experience to do anything talk is cheap without action i will assume anyone who wants obama would be more likely for israel but not america sorry he's a waste of anything business will be nothing left for americans in a week or so
    Have a great night all of you take care and enjoy your day bye for now all the best and talk later time

    Ben Rosenfeld

  14. I have no problem with someone voting and cheering and antisemitic president - not that BHO has any record of being - my issue is with people LIKE CHANA who are emotionally tangled up with a person who did not campaign on policy, as such there is little way to make an INTELLIGENT decision about him. Vote for someone because the claim to bring change, without discussing what change is emotional and childish.

    Chana tell us 3 policy decisions that the of BHO that you like, and tell us 3 accomplishments of BHO that give him any credibility of a capable president.

    The is issue is WHY do you like BHO, is it an emotional appeal, or is an intellectual one.

  15. People vote for candidates for a variety of reasons, including party identification. For example, if someone is a social liberal - it might not make a difference WHO the democratic candidate is; that is who the social liberal will vote for regardless. That is not unintellectual, that is simply the nature of politics.

    Get over it. Obama was endorsed by Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Warren Buffet, and scores of major US newspapers.

    You people may be Mccain Supporters, which is fine, but to call Obama supporters unintellectual fools, in light of the above facts, makes you look like exactly that.

  16. Call 212 444 9555

    Chana, you're no different.

  17. Well, I personally hope that everything turns out for the best for U.S. and that my apprehensions about the Obama administration won't materialize.

    Having said that, I do have to note that history is made every single day, every single second! :)

  18. Chana, I wholeheartedly respect and agree with your sentiments of happiness. Hurrah indeed!

  19. Hurrah
    from another Obama supporter...

  20. "Chana tell us 3 policy decisions that the of BHO that you like, and tell us 3 accomplishments of BHO that give him any credibility of a capable president."

    Here are some examples of Barack's character and decision making.

    1) Barack shared an office with Ira Silverstein in Springfield, when both were Illinois state senators. Ira is an orthodox Jew. Barack was very understanding of Ira's needs when Ira had to spend shabbos in Springfield, and was happy to turn lights on/off etc. for him. This shows his sensitivity to Jews and of other cultures.

    2) Barack ran an excellent campaign, not making mistakes like McCain to 'drop everything' due to the economic crisis in the middle of September. Presidents have to multi task.

    3) Barack chose an experienced running mate, not someone who changed her song to become a pit bull since that is what McCain wanted.

    Barack has chosen Rahm Emanuel to be his chief of staff. Rahm is a Jew who was a civilian volunteer for the IDF during the 1991 Gulf War. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahm_Emanuel

    I'm not sure what the worry is, but we in Illinois who have gotten to know Obama have confidence in him.

  21. >1) Barack shared an office with Ira Silverstein in Springfield, when both were Illinois state senators. Ira is an orthodox Jew. Barack was very understanding of Ira's needs when Ira had to spend shabbos in Springfield, and was happy to turn lights on/off etc. for him. This shows his sensitivity to Jews and of other cultures.

    Says nothing about his capabilities to be president. Again, I do not subscribe to the idea that orthodox jews should be afraid of BHO.

    >2) Barack ran an excellent campaign, not making mistakes like McCain to 'drop everything' due to the economic crisis in the middle of September. Presidents have to multi task.

    McCain screw up big time, but that doesn't make BHO capable, it might only suggest BHO is more capable than Mccain, again not reason to vote for BHO, and certainly not a reason to be excited about him.

    >3) Barack chose an experienced running mate, not someone who changed her song to become a pit bull since that is what McCain wanted.

    It shows that BHO know his weaknesses, such as experience.

    >Barack has chosen Rahm Emanuel to be his chief of staff. Rahm is a Jew who was a civilian volunteer for the IDF during the 1991 Gulf War. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahm_Emanuel

    That was after the vote.

    >I'm not sure what the worry is, but we in Illinois who have gotten to know Obama have confidence in him.

    So what has he done, what legislation has he "pushed"? How can you be excited about a president with no record? If you want to vote for him because mccain is a failure, fine, but that's not a reason to think he'll be anything more than a bit better than GWB.

  22. Chana isn't old enough to be President yet, but maybe Chana in 2024?

  23. You're a communist Socialist Fascist Marxist Radical and should move to Venezuela
