Friday, October 03, 2008

word to the wise

If I were you, I would read The Observer tomorrow afternoon...


  1. At what ever time it comes out.


  2. Looking forward,Chana.
    Can't wait!!!

  3. My sources tipped me off that the thing that is being tipped would be appearing sometime soon.

    /Won't reveal my sources

    Question: Why does the observer publish (online at least) Friday afternoon?

  4. Let the fun and discussions begin!

    Looking forward to this issue as well. I hope I can bring the actual paper home and share it with my family members.

  5. Chana,you may not realize it but you wrote the post on Friday. Are you really asking your readership to read the Observer on shabbat? I'm not giving you a hard time, I know you meant Friday afternoon.

    Will make every effort to read the issue. YU students have been talking about it for sometime now. I want to find out for myself what the buzz is all about.
    Have a good shabbos!

  6. The issue in online!

  7. "I see it as a serious problem on the university level but the university doesn't consult the Roshei Yeshiva about anything"
    -Rabbi Bleich

    Game, Set and Match

    Now there's a journalistic thread that needs a series of articles written about it.

  8. Chana,I had a chance(thus far) to read your article under the Leader's section introducing your desire to explore the issue of the transsexuals and the first in series about the them. ABSOLUTELY Great! You approached the subject with much sensitivity and your sources are reliable.
    You are one of a kind!
    Are the actual papers available @YU? I'd like to take one home.
    You have much to be proud of!
    Good shabbos!

  9. aaron,

    thanks- and yup, they are on the Wilf and Beren campuses...feel free to take a couple home with you.

  10. Yiyasher kochech, Chana. Excellent articles.

  11. I have got a copy and will be keeping it. I am proud of you. Have you read any books by salman rushdie? See you on red eyes.
