Saturday, October 25, 2008

Save The Date: November 2, Tanach Yom Iyun!

For everyone who enjoyed last year's fabulous YU Tanach Yom Iyun...the opportunity has come again! Welcome to the NOVEMBER 2nd production featuring controversial figures in Tanakh!

Did you ever wonder about Shimshon's marrying non-Jewish wives? What about Hoshea having to marry a prostitute? Were you ever curious about how these people fit into the spectrum of Judaism and Jewish life?

Well, here's your chance to find out more! Just join us on November 2nd at the Wilf Campus from 9:00 AM-1:30 PM to hear some fabulous speakers...and enjoy!


  1. very intresting thank you for the information there is something i want to ask you but will later because i currently feel hurt now please bear with me have a good weekend bye for right now and a Gut Voch

    Ben Rosenfeld

  2. for those of us in the other coast, will you be giving us a roundup afterwards?

  3. I'm with Holy Hyrax on this one. Are you planning to take notes and put them up here? Thanks so much.

  4. I'm not shure where I'm going to be for shabbos that weekend. However,if I stay @YU,I'll attend and will make an effort to come by and introduce myself.

  5. How about a walk in the park and some DMC after you are done on that day?

  6. Of course I'll try to make it there and hopefully take notes. a, it will be very nice to meet you. guess who, if I had the faintest idea who you were, I might be inclined to say yes (or no, as it happens.) Since you're currently merely an anonymous commenter, I wouldn't know.

  7. Looking forward to the notes.Thank you,Chana,in advance.

  8. Looks interesting.Will try to attend,if not,I know I can count on your lovely write-up(as usual). Also,looking forward to your new story.Thanks.

  9. All of the shiurim from last years are on I'm sure this years will be also (probably almost immediately)...
