Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kallah Teachers & Shadchanim

Tell me, please, where can I find a list of Kallah Teachers (and their contact information) spanning the entire Jewish spectrum? Lubavitch, Chassidic, Litvak, Chareidi, Modern Orthodox...all those people.

I also need a list of very prominent Shadchanim/ Shadchanos. You can include people in other countries.

[And before you ask, no, this is not for my personal use.]


  1. The Simcha Link http://www.simchalink.org/
    T(847) 679-0496 F(847) 679-0870Simchalink@hotmail.com

    Simcha Link is a 21st century introduction service that utilizes both modern tools and traditional methods in its quest to help Orthodox Jewish singles meet their b'shert. In contrast to many Jewish online dating services, Simcha Link believes nothing can replace working closely with a caring and discreet shadchan who has your best interests at heart. All personal information and photos in our extensive database are confidential and for office use only. We never publish our registrants' information online.

  2. I can help more if I know which city you are talking about. If you are doing a survey of kallah teachers, then I can provide you with the contact info of those I know personally.

  3. honestly, if you'd gone to seminary this post would never have happened

  4. score one for canadian princess just kidding have a great night all best be well and bye for right now later

    Ben Rosenfeld

  5. Kallah teachers:

    Hadassah Goodman, L.C.S.W., A.C.S.W
    (both in Midwest and Monsey);

    Mrs(rebbetzin) Esti Deutsch-Chicago

  6. http://www.orthodate.com/

    This shadchan services site introduces Jewish Orthodox people to one another around the world.



  7. I'm looking now for Shadchans. I've found two lists on line. Email me and I'll send you whatever I've found.

