Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Curious Jew Podcast: Jewish Education

Hello everybody! This is just an experiment. I wondered whether perhaps there are those of you who would prefer audio posts to written ones, and so I figured I'd do one, and hear your feedback. Thanks!

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  1. Woo! Less scrolling. (Someone had to say it.)

  2. I like written posts better--they give me the ability to read and absorb at my own pace. For me, it's a lot harder to concentrate on just audio without any visual aid.

  3. Hmmm... So we get to hear Chana's voice.. Definitely what I'd expected... :)

  4. Chana,you have a lovely voice. However,not everyone is auditory,some learners are visual. Also,some of us reread your posts more than once,it's easier to understand this way.
    I finally had a chance to finish reading the second issue of The Observer. I found it absolutely superb! So,Chana,are you planning to open your own publishing house in the near future? You are very good at what you do. Congratulations on the job well done! By the way,in case if you are interested,a ton of YU students and even faculty are very taken by the uniqueness of this issue. The buzz was justified!
    Gmar ve' Chasima tovah!
    May you have a fantastic year!

  5. I'll listen to it on the way in to work tomorrow!

  6. This is totally awesome. Instead of driving 6 miles to a library, and printing out your post, and trying to find time on Shabbos to read it, I can just listen on my phone , while driving. Keep it up Chana...

    Gemar Chasima Tova

  7. Chana,

    I prefer your written posts. In my obviously unqualified opinion, your beautifully poetic and remarkably eloquent writing cannot not justified through an audio medium.

    Just a thought.

    Talk to you soon.

  8. I like the idea of audio posts. However, they only make sense if you can technically rig them so that they don't automatically start when you open the page. It's a little overwhelming and inconvenient.

  9. Being a literary person, I prefer to read posts. However, audio posts are a welcome addition.
