Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Observer: Issue 1!

Well, beloved people, it's that time of year again...Observer time!

Here is what this issue of The Observer has for you:

And there's plenty more. Check it out- and comment!


  1. I agree with Aaron from YU. You and your staff produced a quality paper. Most of the articles I read thus far are interesting and entertaining! Loved the interview piece ! Kudos!!!! Hey,you beat The Commentator! I don't believe that our first issue is out yet .
    Very well done!

  2. Chana great job! This issue looks great, and promises more successes in the future. We are proud of you!

  3. Wow!
    I'm so proud of you! Do the members of your Chicago community know of this most recent accomplishment of yours? The articles are superb! See,you are accomplishing very good things.
    Keep on moving forward!

  4. "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious"
    ~ Albert Einstein

    Curios,what a magnifcent job for your first issue!

  5. Chana,what an amazing issue!
    I loved your interview with President Joel.

  6. The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.
    -Anaïs Nin

    Chana,you are very good at saying what most people unable to say.It's a fact,the content of your paper says it all.

  7. Chana,you did a very good job with your first issue. Enjoyed your articles,every single one of them .S Gross is right,the issue does promise more successes in the future.
    Wishing you continued sucess in everything you do.

  8. Everything you ever wanted to know about the advantages of breastfeeding
    and more

  9. Chana, I just finished reading the online version of The Commentator which came out today.. It's OK. Once again,kudos on your first issue,it's quality all the way through!
    Looking forward to your stories and many more engaging issues of the paper.

  10. The article on the blogging conference in israel got me interested in blogs...and now i have my own blog! It's a very interesting world, I've already found out!

  11. Tobie and I were at that conference!!!! It was awesome.
