Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Am Your Hallucination

Today, over dinner, I informed my roommate (who is a science major) that she is John Nash (I mean that in the most complimentary way possible) and I am her quintessential English roommate. See here if you have no idea what I am talking about.

I would like to have a sparkly black shirt with glittery letters that read "I Am Your Hallucination."

Of course, only my roommate and I would understand it. But it would be very entertaining. And perhaps it would provide me with an opportunity for laughter, which I would much appreciate.


  1. Fascinating!

    Have your roommate do the following-instruct her to stare in the center and after a minute look away. She will hallucinate!(an optical illusion she should be able to explain to you...since she is a science major). Of course,I'd love to know the meaning of your private joke,is there any chance of that?

  2. Does your roommate have respect for beer? Is she terrified, mortified, petrified, stupefied by you?

  3. As one who is privy to observation of your half-existence of there/not-there/in-your-own-worldness this year, I think the designation is quite apt.

  4. This comment is a hallucination.

  5. And perhaps it would provide me with an opportunity for laughter, which I would much appreciate.


  6. And perhaps it would provide me with an opportunity for laughter, which I would much appreciate.

    Everyday, I come home laughing about something else from work
