Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I did not know before that it was possible for me to be made of steel, for me to refrain from saying words that rose to the tip of my tongue, for me to resist breaking someone laid out before me, and to hold all things in check as though I had bound myself up in a vise, a grip from which I would not release myself. I did not know before that I was made of steel. I know tonight, and wish I did not need to know.


  1. what's going on?

  2. Chana, learning that you are made of steel- no, learning HOW to make yourself into steel, is an important part of maturity. Its difficult for someone like you, who is so passionate and opinionated. But it is something you need to learn. Sorry that its an upseting lesson.

  3. Chana,you have been awfully distant lately. Neither I nor the rest of your friends @Stern understand the cause for this. We don't know who this someone is,but if he/she is the cause of unhappiness in your life-you need to examine this and take appropriate actions.

  4. Chana,we are your Uptown friends/guys from YU.

    What's happening?
    All you need to do is call us.

    Call now!

  5. Maybe I'm wrong but the post sounds like Chana had the opportunity to say something devastating to someone, and instead of saying it, held her tongue. It's a good thing to learn, not a bad thing. And if that's true, ya'all shouldn't be so concerned.

  6. Guys-

    Thank you so much. I'm going to be fine- I appreciate this so much. You are all really wonderful. I was just having a tough time for a little while. I'm better now. Really, thanks.

  7. Whatever happened, *HUGS*. Been there.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. this post is from the rest of your legions of fans not at stern or yu. and the ones actually at stern and yu who somehow got left out of those other two posts, because we all show our support for you. except for that freak who thinks your parents damaged you, cuz hey, they really weren't overly affectionate. oh well. blogs were created for people with biased assumptions.

  10. Life is full of many lessons, some are harder than we would like them to be. It tough knowing that my kids are becoming less innocent by the day.
