Wednesday, January 09, 2008


It is just like me to get sick over vacation instead of getting sick over school time. I think I have managed to do this once every year.

I want to go to sleep and not wake up for a very long time. Maybe then I will feel better.


  1. Refuah Sheleimah!

  2. What? I don't remember giving you permission to get sick! Refuah sheleimah, my love!

  3. Oy, sorry to hear that. R'fuah shleimah.

  4. feel better quick.
    rfuah shlaima

  5. Aww, that's such a shame. Feel better soon!

  6. Oh dear! It is so very saddening when that happens.

    Refuah shelaimah!

  7. Very bizarre indeed. I have been asleep for 3 days straight beginning on tuesday night 1/8. Waking up at 6 PM for a few hours then going back to sleep. I was neither tired, nor ill, not anything wrong with me. And even with the depression that has claimed most of my waking hours of the day, I have never seen anything like this. Today I feel better, less able to sleep. I was asking myself profoundly if anyone else was influencing me. Sometimes this happens to me when someone gives me the ayin hara (evil eye). I did not upset anyone recently and even if I did this is not what I would feel. But, so it is, just as it has been on many previous occasions, so is it now. Intuition has shed light on something about you, without me seeking it. So please feel better, but can you now please allow me be awake now? And also allow me to forget about you as I have been succesful at this for the past 5 weeks.

  8. Ah, good 'ol Murphy's law. Never ceases to amaze me...

    I wish you a refuah shelaima min hashamayim, refuas hanefesh urefuas haguf...

  9. Are you any better at all?
    Miss your posts.

  10. Apparently you and I are cut from the same piece of dough...On my way (ala flight) home to LA (right after the most awesome weekend in Seattle) I get totally sick, recuperating slowly. Hope yours is getting better as fast/faster than mine...
