Friday, December 07, 2007

Party in the City

Places I was last night:

1. Cafe K
2. My Most Favorite Dessert Company
3. The Marriott Hotel
4. The Hershey's Store in Times Square

All this because it was my friend SJ's birthday! Happy 21st birthday, darling!

And I got to spend time with Erachet, which was lovely as well!

We are so evil because we indulge in date-watching. Which is a highly amusing occupation. The peculiar thing is that there were more dates taking place (actually a date lineup) at "My Most Favorite Food" than at "The Marriott!" What new and frightening developments are these? It was actually quite beautiful; they placed us in a corner, so there we are, three girls, at odds between the numerous tables filled with couples. One can then determine how early into the relationship these people are by how uncomfortable they seem. This is probably cruel but makes for very good stories.

I wonder why people choose to go to those highly populated places if they don't want to be seen. They ought to go somewhere out of the way and interesting. A forest, for instance, which they can wander through, especially if it is snowing, since that makes for a dreamy setting. Or a laser tag arcade. Or maybe an unusual store, because wandering through strange stores (especially costume shops, but professional costume shops) makes for excellent good fun.

Since we're on the subject, the strangest date I've yet heard about was the guy who took a girl to the graveyard. But a close second might be the people who went to the Charmin' bathrooms in Times Square. People are quirky and interesting and special. Hurrah for people! Out of curiosity, you have any good stories?

In any case, our intrepid party got to ride the pods at the Marriott (they look like pods, with their exciting glowing lots in lavender and green) and wandered around taking lots of bizarre pictures, which made me particularly happy. I love the lights and waterfalls there.

And then we went to the Hershey's store and got free hats that said "Factory Worker" on them! And we observed these random people dancing happily to the song "All I Want For Christmas Is You." They were really having fun. I love people who act like they are children and dance in stores or randomly break out into song. I do both of these things and it's fun to know I'm not crazy. ;-)

We sang songs from lots of musicals all the walk back, and I was impressed by SJ's and Erachet's knowledge. All I had to do was request something, and presto-there it was! It was incredible!

Thanks so much, guys- twas a party!


  1. is fun, and it is evil. MMF, Cafe K, and the Marriot are all great places to do that, so I'm sure you all had an entertaining time! :-D

  2. perhaps people go to crowded places with the hope that in a large population they won't be seen?
    (Though it works out the opposite way)

  3. Why do you think they don't want to be seen?
