Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fire Drill

Why the hell would you make us have a fire drill at 7:20 in the morning on a fast day?

It's the one day that everyone can actually sleep.

Don't tell me "state laws;" I am royally annoyed right now.

Why should the first words of the morning be "Damn it?" This said while shambling out of bed, grasping sleepily for my pink bathrobe and stumbling down the stairs.



  1. Was it someone at school's really twisted idea of a prank perhaps?

    Or, the someone didn't provide the Fire Marshall with the obligatory "bribe" of a complimentary cup of coffee in the morning, so in retaliation s/he had an early fire drill?

    As for the first words when one wakes school we were taught it's supposed to be "Modeh Ani" much for that theory

  2. calm down, u know i was with you and i wasn't angry at all. Just be happy that i could see light before you woke me up it shows that i could do myself if you weren't there (i think, that will be very scary i didn't see the light) if there is real fire drill AND they didn't force us to go outside which i was actually happy for it. They are just doing thier job. Now we are so prepared for REAL fire drill because we are the first people that we came down. BTW do u notice the couchs in lobby are really comfortable, i never knew that.

  3. They did it in our dorm, too. Inexcusable, but I got a good story out of it. If you want to hear it (it's slightly entertaining), ask me in person.

  4. dustfinger, it isn't funny. believe me, it's just not funny.

    hang on, chana--we don't live in the same dorm! that explains the time discrepency: schotty's fire drill was at 7:02am. BUT in schotty they are soooo nice that instead of making us freeze to death outside in our PJ's, they said to "assemble in the lobby at the lounge."

    Here's to hoping they really didn't know it was a fast day!

  5. Our dorm had one, too. Yesterday, when there was also a fire drill, I actually went out for it and, upon returning to my floor, was told, "I heard you actually went out for the fire drill!" This made me realize this morning that it was just NOT WORTH IT to get out of bed. So I didn't. :D

    It was a royal pain to listen to the guy on the loudspeaker, though. I wanted to throw something at it.

  6. It was a royal pain to listen to the guy on the loudspeaker, though. I wanted to throw something at it.

    I wasn't around for this fire drill, but the last time we had one at 7 in the morning, I yelled at the loudspeaker to stop blaring, which, of course, did absolutely nothing.

  7. Ahhh the memories.

  8. Memories...

    Right, I was saying...
    I remember we used to get them at 4-5 am in the dorms...sometimes twice in a week!

    Since often I had gone to sleep only two or three hours sooner, that interruption usually cost me the day's concentration along with half my scrumptious REM sleep.

    Sometimes, I miss those days.

  9. On September 11, 2001 many people felt the same way and decided to return to their offices!

  10. and you know what? i'm sure somewhere in the world that didn't make the slightest bit of difference in their lives.

  11. Heh. My worst fire drill ever was 11:00 Friday night. I left the dorms in pajamas and a ridiculous robe; everybody else- unburdened with the shabbat sleepiness time warp effect- was fully dressed. More importantly, they were wearing shoes while I, unable to find my slippers and thinking that this was serious since they'd never mentioned anything about drills, was barefoot.

    For an hour. In Chicago. In the middle of the winter. While the fire department tried to figure out how to turn off the alarms.

  12. I tried to sleep through the alarm. But that only sort of worked, because the alaram was loud and insistent, so I had trouble falling alseep again until after the alarm finished.

    But then, about an hour later, the fire alarm was still going on! It was so annoying! I decided that I had no other choice but to turn off the alarm, so I turned it off.

    An hour after that, I woke up quite confused. Why did I oversleep by an hour? And what was I thinking, that I could "turn off" the fire alarm? And then, it all made sense.


  13. sadly the best weird dorm experience I've had was the time when a police man got shot at a street down from us.

    but I've always tended to get up at 5 oclock and go to slep on time, so if they had made a drill like that in the dorm I wouldn't have found out about it until I got back to school from studing in 770 at 520 in the morning for shacheris.

    (my lubavitch school did not make fire drills.)

  14. Why should the first words of the morning be "Damn it?"

    Actually, at least a few times in college my first words in the morning were "OH CRAP! [i just realized i woke up late and missed minyan]"
