One year.
That's all it takes to transform a person, to change their life, to make them thankful for things that are completely different than whatever they were thankful for before. As always I am thankful for my family. Dustfinger, Urchin and Taran are all great. The plan is that they all outshine me in every way and one day I get to say that I'm related to them. I honestly can't wait. They're wonderful (and highly entertaining.)
But what I am most thankful for this Thanksgiving are my friends.
It's so strange to think I only know these people for a year. Some even less than that! Hitman I first recall meeting at the Rav Documentary showing. That would have been sometime around February 4 last year. How can I feel so strongly for people whom I know for such a short space of time? And how was I blessed to meet such amazing people? I am also amazed by the different circles of which I am lucky enough to be a part. It often occurs to me that if the different people I know were all placed within one room, they would shortly come to blows.
How strange this is for someone who used to be so impossibly shy! It cracks me up a little, remembering the statement of my sixth grade teacher on my report card. She informed my parents that I did not have social skills (and basically predicted that I would be sad and lonely all my life.) It's wonderful that I can laugh about this now! Amusing how teachers often predict incorrectly, whether it be one's social skills or one's writing skills. I'm sure they would be glad to know how wrong they were.
To have people who care to know how you are, who wish you well and want all the best for you, who love you and value your thoughts, who act in completely unexpected and wonderful ways in order to enrich your have such people is to be blessed. As I am blessed.
So thank you to my friends. Thank you for everything you give, for your love, respect, forgiveness and kindness. I think about you constantly; you mean the very world to me. Thanks is such an inadequate term, but sometimes words limit us, so you will have to imagine the extent to which I mean this. It is you, your ideas and feelings and thoughts, that encompass my world.
So hitman is NOT your brother!
ReplyDeleteWhy can't you just say that he is your BOYFRIEND? Is it that religious modesty crap?
Just say it he is my boyfriend, I kiss him, we make out, WE ARE SLEEPING TOGETHER! That would get rid of me fast.
Do you realize how your behavior really pisses me off and makes me hate Jewish people?
Thanks, Chana.
ReplyDeleteI love you too!
Paul, does it surprise you that a boy and girl can just be friends? Did you grow up in an environment where this wasn't true?
ReplyDeletetrust me, the hating of jewish ppl stems from somewhere a lot closer to home.
ReplyDeleteluv u 2, dear chana!
Dear concerned adult,
ReplyDelete"does it surprise you that a boy and girl can just be friends?
I do not believe that boys and girls can be just friends. If that was the case then I would be counted as being among one of Chana's male friends. I realize that "boy" and "girl" means unmarried in your world but we are not dealing with boys and girls but adults or young adults.
Did you grow up in an environment where this wasn't true? No, I grew up in an environment where such observations were true however as I observed carefully, there were underlying forced behind such friendships which are more than plutonic. I know that older people of the old school generation would understand exactly what I mean by this.
Tell me if I am correct, but I think you are Chana's father. By which you are Ashkenazi and have a looser understanding what I mean. You also are probably more permissive with your daughter on moral issues but more harsh on the academics. I suggest you ask your wife's father about what I mean. I am sure he will understand and either he or his wife have probably said the same thing before I ever did.
How about this, why don't I call you and we can discuss this entire matter man to man. Better yet, I am willing to drive over to Illinois, yes 850 miles, we could spent time together on Shabbat we can daven and chat man to man in person about all of this. I am NOT interested in meeting Chana so I could do it next weekend, but I just want to meet you and see what kind of a man you are and how it is you raised such a daughter.
Chana - the comments on this post are creeping me out a little.
ReplyDeleted you have nothing to fear, just stay straight and you will never be creeped out about anything. Mind your own business.
ReplyDelete"I do not believe that boys and girls can be just friends. If that was the case then I would be counted as being among one of Chana's male friends."
Chana would not establish a friendship with someone who accuses her of sleeping with someone, especially when it is false. That would explain why she doesn't consider you a friend.
Whether I am Chana's father or not is irrelevant; but I am touched that you want to meet me, as I don't understand why I (or Chana for that matter) are worthy of your attention. Obviously you have a caring heart and want to correct a perceived wrong.
"d you have nothing to fear, just stay straight and you will never be creeped out about anything. Mind your own business."
I find it inconsistent of you to not be concerned about other people's reactions to your posts. On one hand, you seem to care very much about Chana. Wouldn't it be appropriate to also care about other people's reactions to your posts?
Chana knows who I am. If you wish to pursue this further, please send her an email and she will be in touch with me if she chooses to do so.
I love you, too, Chana!!!!!