Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Biblical Character

God, I love the idiocy I get to experience every day! Lately I have been informed I do not possess some special sort of "sensitivity" because I am completely willing to speak (and have done so) in front of mixed audiences. A girl making a speech- or giving a Dvar Torah over- in front of guys? Heaven forfend! Apparently this is innately- what? Suggestive? Seductive? Oh, get over yourselves!

Moving onward- here's a fun question for all of you.

Which biblical character do you feel you are most like?
Which biblical character would you marry?
Which biblical character would you want on your team (or on your side, during a war?)
Which biblical character would you want to be close friends with?
Which biblical character do you think would make an excellent Disney villain?

And of course, please give the reason why for all of those questions.

Props if you guess as to my answers (i.e. which biblical character I think I am most like, etc.)

In any case, quite curious to see what you say!


  1. Which biblical character would you marry?

    If we can modify that to talmudic I'd say beruria. :-) (the woman who was much smarter than the man who was much smarter than all the rest of the amoraim of his time, IE the smartest jew alive.)

  2. eep, tanoim

    (and people actualy accepted her statments as halacha, unlike her husband!)

  3. The question about which character I'm most like is interesting, as I've actually answered at length on my own blog over the last few months, more or less.

    Here I talked about Yitzchak and especially Yaakov (and also Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who, but that's not really relevant), based on how they appear in the Torah (i.e. not midrashic and kabbalistic literature). Here I spoke a little bit about Binyamin, based on Yaakov's blessing to him, rather than how he actually appears in the text; I also mention Shaul a bit too.

    It would be nice to mention my namesake characters (Daniel and Gedalyah), but I don't have much in common with them ("Daniel, greatly beloved man," I don't think), although there is a Christian hymn that goes:
    "Dare to be a Daniel,
    Dare to stand alone;
    Dare to have a purpose firm,
    Dare to make it known."
    I'd like to think that applies to me, even if it isn't Jewish.

    I haven't got a clue about the other questions, aside from a flippant answer to the 'on your team/side in a war' question (obviously a dream-team crack commando unit of Eliezer, Yehoshua, Gideon, Shimshon and David haMelech - which isn't a bad idea for a graphic novel).

  4. A girl making a speech- or giving a Dvar Torah over- in front of guys? Heaven forfend! Apparently this is innately- what? Suggestive? Seductive?

    You weren't wearing your bikini, like these girls, were you?

    Don't click on this if you're offended by calculus :)

  5. I've always liked Yael, I guess because she gets to kill Sisro. When I was younger, I used to like Dina, mostly because she was the sister of the twelve sons of Yaakov and I thought that was sooooo cool. My middle name is Yocheved, but I never really felt any affinity towards Yocheved in the Torah. I don't know. I don't know who I'm most like, though.

    No idea who I'd marry, either. That's a really hard one. I'd definitely want either Moshe or Shimshon on my side during a war, though. Moshe because he can just daven to Hashem and even if Hashem didn't listen to any of us, He'd probably listen to Moshe, and Shimshon because, come on, it's SHIMSHON. This is before he cuts his hair, of course.

    Also. Haman = Disney villain. Jafar, anyone?

  6. Oh, also, the more I learn Megillat Esther, the more I love Esther. She's another one of my favorites.

  7. Oh, sorry so many posts, but David Hamelech on my side during a war, most definitely. David and Goliat, for one thing, and David was a good warrior. What I love about him as a warrior also is that he's not brawn, he's brains.

  8. Which biblical character do you feel you are most like?

    Yaakov. It's a namesake thing.

    Which biblical character would you marry?

    Rachel. She's Yaakov's wife (easy), and she also seems rather awesome.

    Which biblical character would you want on your team (or on your side, during a war?)

    David or Shimshon. David was apparently a pretty good general, and Shimshon was strong. I also like the lefty from Shoftim, whose name slips my mind at the moment. A crafty one, he was.

    Which biblical character would you want to be close friends with?

    Adam. First man? Gotta be interesting. Honorable mentions: Noach, Shlomo.

    Which biblical character do you think would make an excellent Disney villain?


  9. not to be boring but.....
    i'm most like yitzhak, my namesake, i did marry rivkah, my wife's middle name, [they are the first relationship where love is mentioned in the Torah]
    I'm going for HaShem (copout but I wanted to see if the judges that be deemed HaShem a 'Bible Character') definitely as my ally in combat---everyone who won a war or battle in Tanach had Him on their side.

    close friends hmmm.. there was no one in tanach who loved their friend as much as David HaMelech or I guess Yonaton, since it was mutual.. so I'd have to say one of them on a technicality. But, Eliyahu HaNavi would probably keep me on the straight and narrow.

    Nimrod is the most overlooked disney bible-villain. He united all of humanity against HaShem, and of course was Avraham's arch-enemy.. Or Sisera as a close second.

  10. Which biblical character would you want on your team (or on your side, during a war?)

  11. a dream-team crack commando unit of Eliezer, Yehoshua, Gideon, Shimshon and David haMelech - which isn't a bad idea for a graphic novel)

    Today, still needed by Klal Yisroel, they survive as soldiers of fortune.
    If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...
    The J-Team.

  12. Which biblical character do you feel you are most like?

    Avraham or Yoseph

    Which biblical character would you marry?

    hrm, I really like many of them. Plus, I find it a little weird to think about marrying a woman that is already married lol One of the matriarchs I guess, but there are many good women with good characteristics. I wouldn't be picky.

    Which biblical character would you want on your team (or on your side, during a war?)

    that's a hard one. There's would be a lot of good teammates.

    Which biblical character would you want to be close friends with?

    David(he was open, caring and seemed sincere. I like his interaction with Jonathan) or Eliyahu(he needed a friend)

    Which biblical character do you think would make an excellent Disney villain?Haman or Laban(as an intermediate villain)

  13. Which biblical character do you feel you are most like?

    Abraham. Although I wasn't quite so rude as to literally smash my father's idols, I did come to disbelieve in his religion and left the (metaphorical) land of my father.

    Which biblical character would you marry?

    Chava. I couldn't have resisted the Tree of Knowledge, either. Also, I hear she was a looker. ;-)

    Which biblical character would you want on your team (or on your side, during a war?)

    Joshua, if I'm not worried about war crimes or genocide. That guy was brutal.

    Which biblical character would you want to be close friends with?

    It'd sure be fun to have deep conversations with David. Also, I bet he threw some great parties.

    Which biblical character do you think would make an excellent Disney villain?


  14. This post was so good I had to steal it. Hope you don't mind.

  15. Most like - Abraham. Sometimes David. Sometimes Shlomo. Sometimes Dan.

    Marry - Serach, duh! ;) Um, in all seriousness, no clue. Rachav was supposed to be gorgeous and cunning... (kidding!) I really don't know.

    Teammate - First thought was Shimshon. I like G's J-team, though. And Eisav would be nice. So would Goliath, and the demon with David, and the pair of great generals... and of course Bilaam.

    But I think I'll just take God, duh.

    Friends - Shlomo. David. Yehonasan. Yisro. Abraham. Binyamin.

    Honestly, not too many. Not sure I'd even like those.

  16. Which biblical character do you feel you are most like?
    Well, I'm an Esther, so I hope I'm living up to her legacy somewhat.

    Which biblical character would you marry?
    Yosef, I think (wasn't he supposed to be really handsome? :P) Plus, he was financially savvy.

    Which biblical character would you want on your team (or on your side, during a war?)
    Avraham Avinu.

    Which biblical character would you want to be close friends with?

    Which biblical character do you think would make an excellent Disney villain?
    Pharoah. Vashti.

  17. Which biblical character would you want to be close friends with?

    shaul-seems he could use a friend

  18. For a war, I'd want Yoav - or as many of the b'nei Tzeruyah as can be gathered together.

    I've long thought that Yishmael ben Nesanya was a scary villain, but he might be more of a Jason Voorhees type figure than someone fitting for Disney.

  19. Thanks, Chana! This rocks. I posted my answers here.

  20. Well I to but I about the list inform should prepare more info then it has.
