Monday, October 22, 2007

Ask President Joel

I'm sure you all know of President Richard Joel, the fantastic President of Yeshiva University. Well, here's something exciting- there's going to be a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday at Stern. If any of you have any questions for him feel free to post them in the comments section (kindly make them intelligent questions) and if they seem reasonably well thought-out and I am lucky (that is, I am given the chance) perhaps I will be able to ask him your questions. Thanks!


  1. Why whenever YU places poorly in peer review (the environmental study last year, our fall from the Top 50 colleges list), your administration discounts the opinions of other colleges? Wouldn't the more valuable response be to consider why we've fallen in the eyes of our peers?

  2. What is Yeshiva University currently doing to advance the accreditation of YC and SCW degrees in Israel?

  3. Jameel - someone asked that question at last semester's town hall meeting. President Joel answered that he had talked to the Israeli minister of education (name escapes me now) and that the process to get YU undergraduate degrees accredited was starting. It will be interesting to see if the answer has changed at all this year.

  4. Hey Chana, did you get to ask your question? You know the one I'm talking about...
