Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Russian Homework- Ha!

See, I am doing my homework. I am! I am! (click for larger image)

Related: One cannot read A Clockwork Orange without understanding Russian. I suddenly understand the mutilated English. Me and my droogs? Droogs means friends in Russian. It's all making sense now.

No more homies; I've got droogs!


  1. Dearest,
    the multiple for DRUG(friend) is
    Your other Russian learning drug.

  2. Seriously? Thanks so much for clarifying!

    But in A Clockwork Orange, he calls them "droogs." So you see, I was basing it off of the literature (albeit mutilated English lit.) Thank you!

  3. Wow, they offer Russian in YU? Looks like you're well on your way to reading Фёдор Достоевский in the original :)

    BTW, you may find this Russian online keyboard useful.

  4. Many (most?) versions of A Clockwork Orange have a glossary in the back.

  5. Foreign languages are awesomely fun to learn! XD Just a small warning, though. Sometimes they can literally take up your life if they're very complicated. But I think everyone should learn at least one in college.

  6. I took a boring language in Stern, one which I started 3 times and never actually learned past a basic level. The interesting languages were always either in conflict with other parts of my schedule (like classes for my major) or already full by the time I wanted to sign up for them.

    Oh well, life goes on...
