Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dancing in the Rain Announcement

I'm going dancing in the rain after 6:00 PM (it's pouring here.) Anyone who wants to join me is welcome. This means you, former members of room 5b. Call me if you want to come and we'll arrange a meeting place.

I assume you're going home for Rosh Hashana, so I think I might go dancing by myself. We'll see. :-)

Update: It would stop raining as soon as I wrote this...


  1. Darn! If I didn't have to be elsewhere tonight (and presentable, at that), I'd totally come!

    Enjoy your dancing!

  2. Call me in the evening if it's raining and you're sitll interested.

  3. lol... how fun! ;)

    shana tova, ketivah v'chatimah tova.

  4. Wow, I totally missed the appointed time of this post. Plus it stopped raining. But you can always use the phone, you know. Sometimes it's an even more reliable mode of communication than blog posts, especially for time related invitations. :)

  5. Lol.

    Sorry to hear that your dancing plans got foiled by good (?) weather.
