Friday, September 07, 2007

Blog Policy on Deleting Posts

Hey, I'd appreciate your input on blog policy. I'd also appreciate your explaining your point of view in the comments. Thank you!


  1. I think you should add an option of "Leave it but with some type of disclaimer"

  2. I can only say what I do. Unless I write something actually offensive (which I like to think I don't do at all), I tend to leave up what I write, even if I think it is stupid straight away or months later.

    If I started deleting things just because I thought they stupid or badly written, I would be forever editing old posts, and in all likelihood nothing would stay up at all. Also, knowing that people will be able to challenge me on what I write makes me think it through carefully beforehand to check I can defend it (I am not an impulse-blogger). And I suppose it makes my blog a record of the way I my thinking is (hopefully) developing.

  3. Your blog, do what you want.

  4. I think you should go ahead and delete a post that you don't like. This blog is a forum for you to express what you want; you shouldn't feel like your readers need to see everything you write down. Anyway, from what I can gather based on reading your blog regularly, I think you are generally proud of your work, and that you don't run into this issue too often.

  5. Why did you delete the last post? I spent all this time reading it, and then when I was about to leave a comment making fun of you, I found the post was deleted. Too bad.

    *Waits patiently for next post to insult*

  6. Don't delete it. Issue a correction within that post or in a new post or both. Otherwise it's just frustrating for those of us who see a post in our blog readers and cannot comment on it. ;-)

  7. A lot depends on the purpose of the article. If you were soliciting thoughts and after reading the comments you had reversed your position I would leave it up.

    If you posted in anger and after you calmed down you wished you hadn't posted I would deleted the post and add an apology post.

    In general the more civil and intelligent comments a post has the more reluctant I am to delete it.

  8. I hate deleting things and it drives me nuts when people delete things... and I voted delete.

    V'hamayvin yavin.

    Also, G's most correct, while the other suggestions are basically good. :)

  9. >Also, G's most correct, while the other suggestions are basically good. :)


    How is "do what you want" the most correct when she is asking "what do you think I should do?"

  10. How is "do what you want" the most correct when she is asking "what do you think I should do?"

    Yes, indeed

  11. Ahh, because the best answer is she needs to decide for herself what she's looking for. :)

  12. >Ahh, because the best answer is she needs to decide for herself what she's looking for. :)

    When she cracks and whips out the AK-47s she's going to go after you New Yorkers first, is all I'm saying :)

    Mary Poppins is the first sign of it...

  13. "Ahh, because the best answer is she needs to decide for herself what she's looking for. :)"

    That sound you hear is Ezzie crushing what small degree of subtlety there was left in my original comment.

    "When she cracks and whips out the AK-47s she's going to go after you New Yorkers first, is all I'm saying :)"

    **beep-beep-beep** Back the insult truck up. Let's take it easy w/ the "you New Yorkers" cheap shots okay!? I may be many things, but I am most assuredly capital N-O-T a NYer. Not all of us have blasphemed in totality against what out family and loved ones hold to be of value and importance, that's right I'm lookin' at you Goldish. For shame, I say, for shaaaaaaaaaame.

    Wait, what were we talking about again, I blacked out there for a moment.

    "Mary Poppins is the first sign of it..."

    Yeah well, if anybody could drive one to crackery it would be the self titled "practically perfect in every way".

  14. >Yes, indeed

    g, you must be a student of the Rinzai masters...

    I will contemplate this some more...

  15. E-kvetcher,
    where are you(originally) from?

  16. OK, I contemplated this some more, and I still disagree with both Ezzie and g for the following reason:

    I interpreted the question to mean not "tell me what to do so I can follow it blindly", but "help me clarify my thinking about the topic by presenting points and counterpoints." This would extend the thoughts of the previous post.

    So when someone wants to have a dialog, it seems helpful to engage with that person.

    Shavua tov to all.

  17. I say leave it up, unless it is offensive, and put up an appology, or perhaps even comment on what you didn't like in it.

    I get the impression that generaly when you delete posts it's because your affraid of criticism (which I understand, I've received alot of nasty criticism as well) or offended reactions to something that wasn't that way at all, in which case maybe it would be good for you emotionaly to read positive criticism that comes up from it. Then on, the occasional nasty remark from someone is painfull and I'd understand why you would rather not have to face that.

    so I don't know. I suppose that it depends alot on how much distance you have at this point from your time in bais yaakov and your difficulties with peers who teased and tormented you, and how raw the wounds that left still are.

  18. For your blog, if I were you, I'd leave it up, and then if you feel differently later, write an addendum at the bottom or in the comments. Do it for personal and public posterity. If people give you personal crap about it, forget it. You're human.

    "G"'s comments crack me up.

  19. E-K: Hence the MOST correct, while the other suggestions are good. :)

    Ahh, I love it when it comes back to the origin!

    G - OUCH. Wait a second - I thought not moving to Beachwood was pretty close to not moving to New York on the "values we hold dear" list. Eh!? Hmph. Plus, this is TEMPORARY. And no, that's not a permanent temporary.

    And not my fault on the subtlety; E-K asked! Perhaps you're sometimes too subtle, hmm? ;)

    And LOL on the rest. Is anyone else enjoying all the little things as much as I!?

  20. Your blog- do what feels right to you.

  21. I voted for delete it, but that was because there was no option for, "depends on what it is." I have done both. I have deleted a post or two because I decided they were too personal or too venty, but I have left up posts I thought were incredibly stupid, too. It just sort of depends, I guess. I can't make a general statement about it. I certainly don't believe in being afraid to say something, but sometimes things are just too personal or you wrote something in a moment of passion or anger and then calmed down and realized you didn't mean it and it could potentially cause problems if you leave it up. That sort of post should most certainly come down.

  22. Hmmm... At this point you have a tie - 21 even... I voted to leave it up.
