Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hello Readership

Hello readers and lurkers!

I'm rather curious about you and hope you will be amenable to answering my questions in these polls (and perhaps elaborating in the comments.) Thanks!

(Also, if you voted on this the first time, your votes are still here, so please don't re-vote. As of now, there are 2 votes.)


  1. Are you conducting a study or something, Chana?

  2. This is a smart idea, Chana. I too am curious about your readers and lurkers.

  3. As you know Chana, we've met in person once after getting acquainted through your blog.

  4. I'm 22... haven't met you in person yet... but maybe once you're back in NYC! : )

  5. i haunt the 5th floor too =) maybe we'll meet some day.

  6. It is theoretically possible that we've met, though improbible. I have been known to hang out in Stern even though I graduated a couple years ago, but usually in a very specific setting, and I don't think I've ever met someone who fits your profile.

    I'd love to meet you when you come back to NY, though. :)

  7. Perhaps I'd best plan a blogparty, and the whole world shall meet up with one another. :-)

    We can hold it at the Goldishes' house!

    (Just kidding. Or maybe not...*winks* You know I'm crazy, Ezzie.)

    But yeah, we shall plan excursions when I'm back in New York, and we'll see whether I match whatever mental image you have of me. I probably shan't. Ah well.

  8. >we'll see whether I match whatever mental image you have of me. I probably shan't. Ah well.

    Why? What do you think our mental image of you is?

  9. Hey, that's a good question.

    New game: What's your mental image of this here blogger?

  10. I won't say anything in terms of physical traits, but in terms of social/psychological profile, I think you're probably a very energetic person, with a lot of passion when it comes to things that interest you, and probably quite stubborn sometimes. : )

  11. >>Why? What do you think our mental >>image of you is?

    >Hey, that's a good question.

    >New game: What's your mental image of this here blogger?

    Hey, that's not what I asked!

  12. Chana,
    you have dark blondish hair,blue eyes and you are pettite.
    I saw you once at the YU lecture-so there.

  13. But how'd you know it was me?!

  14. And holy crap, how'd you get a look at my eyes without my noticing?

    The world has gone quite mad.

  15. We can hold it at the Goldishes' house!

    (Just kidding. Or maybe not...*winks* You know I'm crazy, Ezzie.)

    What do you mean? SJ wants to have a Shabbaton by us...! :P

  16. You have blue eyes?
    (thinks. reflects. ponders)
    Well, OK, I guess your eyes are light... and why not blue?

  17. Yeah...I could have sworn your eyes were green or hazel...but then again, I could be mis-remembering.

  18. Well it looks like everyone agrees on the dark blonde and petite part though... =P

    So it seems that the majority of your readership is between 21-30 and has never met you. Interesting...

  19. I feel old...again.

  20. blond and blue?
    (petite was something I imagined)
    I thought along the lines of dark auburny hair and dark eyes.. sometimes framed by funky eyeglasses.
    And I always picture you in sandals!

  21. If I remember correctly, Chana does have dark blonde hair, don't remember eye color, but she does have glasses. And she loves those strappy sandals, if I remember a particular post correctly. :-)

  22. Blog party sounds fun! I have not met any bloggers in real life yet, besides for the ones I knew already.

  23. Ooh, a blogger party!

    Thus far, I've met Mark/PsychoToddler and his Mrs. Balabusta plus their young-uns Fudge and Moe/.30cal (come to think of it, I met *all* their kids the last time the whole crew was in NYC), Steg, Ezzie, and Sheyna Galyan (of the Books and Beliefs blog). I'm always good for a blogger bash.

    This assumes that you don't mind inviting a couple of dinosaurs. The Punster (65) and I (58) would be the oldest people there, as usual. :)
