Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Anonymous Mom's List of Interesting New York Experiences

The following entry is for all you out of towners--Chana, Ezzie--with soul. What are some do or die "dancing in the rain" Jewish experiences for a frum out of town Jew in New York?

1. Purim Shpiel at Bobov at about 2 in the morning in Boro Park---women can watch from above. For men, any hard core Chasidish Tish, think Skvere or Vishnitz.

3. Davening at Karlin-Stolin in BP--guys only

4. Gus' Pickles

5. A good controversial Jewish film at the Walter Reade Theater in Manhattan

6. The Moshav Band or Soul Farm at the Knitting Factory

7. Reb Shmuel at the Sidewalk Cafe

8. Simchas Bais Hashoevah in Crown Heights

9. Simchas Torah in the Upper West Side

10. Shabbat in the kosher house at Fire Island--attention singles

11. Israeli Day Parade

12. Shmulka Bernsteins on a Thursday night--oops, that was 20 years ago. Where is today's Shmulks?

13. YU medical ethics lecture in the city

14. Sweatbreads at Gutman's restaurant in Williamsburg, or fresh popcorn in the shops in Williamsburg

15. the longstanding Shacharit davening for runners at the start of the NY Marathon
16. a day at Long Beach--Chana, you can take the train--kosher pizza, biking, lying on a clean beach (slight fee), Minyan walking distance for guys.

17. Grill Point, Hapisgah, even if you don't plan to eat, soak up the Israeliness of it all

18. Local Israeli radio station somewhere around 102 --I believe it is pirated, not sure.

19. A Moroccan henna at the local village hall in Monsey (really!)

20. A Syrian wedding in Deal

21. Bucharian flatbread from Rego Park

22. You should never need them, but wonderful women from the Satmar Bikur Cholim will bring you hot, delicious soup and other food for every day of your stay in most NY area hospitals. Oh and they do not discriminate as to your Hashkafa. Read the beautiful article written about this in the Jewish Week a year or 2 ago--I believe by Jonathon Mark.

23. A true Carlebach experience such as Simchat Torah at the one and only Carlebach Shul. There are some good tries at "Carlebachian" experiences going on now in Monsey/Wesley Hills and Teaneck (Yamim Noraim--Mr. Brodsky), but for the real thing you have to go to the source and you can't do that out of town if it's your thing.


  1. definitely having a wander around boro park is a memorable experience (watch out for the crazy drivers).

    and (17) Grill Point was the last good shwarma i've had (that was 2 1/2 years ago).

  2. This list has made me strangely hungry.
