Tuesday, May 01, 2007

JIBS: The Final Round


This is where it actually counts.

All right. I would really like to win this.

If you'd like to help me win, you can vote for me in the following categories:

Best Student Life Blog
Best Overall Jewish Blog-Post (Off the Derech)
Best Jewish Religious Blog-Post (Off the Derech)
Best Jewish Live Event Coverage Blog-Post (The Rav's Vision)

Obviously, you should also look at the other posts and determine which ones deserve the win. It may be that I'm not as worthy as the other contenders.

Thanks very much.


  1. Vote for the Curious Jew!
    Vote for the Curious Jew!
    Vote for the Curious Jew!
    Vote for the Curious Jew!
    Vote for the Curious Jew!

  2. yup, don't forget to vote for the curious jew... i did!

  3. I response to my previous request, God answered my prayer and I found out the following information:
    I was told that Jordan S. Goldman would have the most information about the women described below, more than any other person in the Allentown Orthodox Jewish community. I also learned that she is a librarian and that she probably attends Lehigh Carbon Community College. I was unable to get any information out of Jordan and he stone walled me and he was very disrespectful to me and to my soul about this matter. Does anyone know her name?

    On December 9, 2006, I saw a lovely lady wearing a frum dress with a sweet face and long brown hair during havdala at Congregation Sons of Israel in Allentown. She was one of only two women there in the evening, the other had her hair covered and was therefore married. I wanted to meet and speak with her during the Sephardic Event that evening but she never returned. I inquired about her directly to Rabbi Torczyner and I asked him for his assistance. He informed that she was beginning the process of converting to orthodox Judaism and therefore he could not help me. After one month of back and forth communication, pleading my case, he changed his mind and said he would help me but the final result after 4 months is that I have never seen her again (she probably quit) She does not know who I am. I do not even know her name. Rabbi Torczyner seems to be the only person who knows who she is but I do not think he is in a good position to help me. All that I know about her is that she is a college student.

    Does anyone know who this person is? Is there any way I can get in touch with her because I really want to talk with her?

    She is the best Jewish person I have ever come across in my life. I think she is fine the way she is and does not ever have to convert. God bless her.

  4. I've just come across your blog and I've voted for your post on the Rav. Great one.
