Friday, January 26, 2007

A Comedy of Errors

I woke up this morning, groggily hearing the dim beep of my alarm. I muttered under my breath, "Oh, great," then proceeded to roll out of bed, grab my comforter and wrap it around the offending object to muffle the incessant noise. Looking warily over my shoulder at my roommate, I pushed my alarm clock to the floor and swathed it in the entire blanket, then added my down coat for good measure.

After a moment, I blinked and thought, "Today is not Saturday."

Sheepishly, I unwrapped my clock, put my comforter back on my bed, and pressed the OFF button.

And then I wrote this post.


  1. That sucks. :-)

    I remember as a kid once I woke up early one morning, went downstairs and turned on the t.v., only to have my astonished parents come down and tell me it was shabbos!

    Maybe that's why I turned out the way I did. ;-)

  2. Once i woke up to my cellphone ringing, and i repeatedly pressed the 'hangup' button because i use my cellphone as my alarm clock.

    Unfortunately, it was a coworker calling me to tell me that it was a snowday and we didn't have to go in to work. :-)

  3. CHANA!!! Why would you write this post instead of GOING BACK TO SLEEP??? You are a computer obsessed crazy person. However, I do empathize with you because my absent roommate's alarm went off this morning, and I almost smashed it into little tiny pieces! Only that I didn't in the end. Which is good because she might not have been too happy. Anyway, I'm not really that violent...though some people are. ;)

  4. ...and some people are just BOSSY. :P

    Anyways... when I was about 4, I remember walking into my parents' room and - even though they were sleeping - flipping on the TV to watch the Smurfs. They were NOT happy, as my father had to try and sleep that afternoon through some cruddy Mets-Reds game (which we're still not sure why it was on). They weren't upset at me, but I felt SO guilty...

    I think I've also had stories like everyone else has mentioned here and there.

  5. funny, i also woke up this morning unsure if it was shabbos or not.

  6. You been hanging out with fudge?
