This Gemara will at first seem to have nothing to do with what we are learning.
Please look at Nedarim 32b:
- דף לב, ב משנה אין בין המודר הנאה מחבירו למודר הימנו מאכל אלא דריסת הרגל וכלים שאין עושין בהם אוכל נפש המודר מאכל מחבירו לא ישאילנו נפה וכברה וריחים ותנור אבל משאיל לו חלוק וטבעת וטלית ונזמים:
This means that if a person made a neder (a vow or promise) saying he would never get ha'naa (meaning pleasure, enjoyment) from a specific person X, you can't even go to this specific person X's house. If, however, you said you wouldn't get ha'naa from specific person X's food, you can go to specific person X's house.
So, if a person made a neder saying either:
1. HE wouldn't get ha'naa (pleasure, enjoyment, benefit) from another person
2. He wouldn't get ha'naa from that person's food
the distinction is that for neder 1 he can't even go to that person's house, can't use that person's clothes, vessels, etc, but for neder 2 he still could go to the person's house and use his vessels (if those vessels don't have to do with food.)
Now please look at Nedarim 35b:
- דף לה, ב משנה ותורם את תרומתו ומעשרותיו לדעתו ומקריב עליו קיני זבין קיני זבות קיני יולדות חטאות ואשמות ומלמדו מדרש הלכות ואגדות אבל לא ילמדנו מקרא אבל מלמד הוא את בניו ואת בנותיו מקרא:
This Mishna specifies that you can take terumah from his (we are still referring to the person about whom you took a neder) things (with his permission), and can bring sacrifices for him; you can teach him Aggadot and Midrash Halakhos (oral Torah) because you're not really allowed to take money for that (and hence won't be deriving ha'naa), but you can't teach him Chumash. You can, however, teach his sons and daughters Chumash.
So you see this statement:
אבל מלמד הוא את בניו ואת בנותיו מקרא
So you see from this statement that this Mishna does not object to teaching daughters Chumash.
So here is one of those instances where they single out men and women. I know before I said when we speak of a mixed group, we use masculine words, and I stand by it, despite seeing this use of both terms by a mixed group. Perhaps the msculine term is ambiguous, and when wanting to emphasize that it includes women, it says both. But I still think that just because it said "b'neichem" earlier, it doesn't mean exclusively men.