Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Laughing and laughing again

laughing and laughing again...

I have a schedule!

It should be fabulous.

We have a trial period; I get to try out classes and see how it goes.


And tonight I go see the Blue Man Group! That's going to be fabulous as well!

I love, I love, I love New York!

And did I mention that my best friend came to see me? And someone else made me feel loved by leaving a note on my door?



  1. Congrats! Sounds like fun! What classes are you taking?

  2. I love that song. Beautiful.


    Welcome. You will undoubtedly learn to hate NY, once the novelty wears off. Until then, enjoy it! :) Blue Man Group is excellent... Stern has always done a great job of welcoming its students. My sister had a great orientation week as well, way back when... and of course, it's a solid school. You'll enjoy it. B'hatzlacha, and don't forget to get around...

  3. Chana: Wow...I didn't realize the semester was starting already.

    So glad to hear you're having a blast -- Carpe Diem, and continue to enjoy :)

  4. sounds fun! enjoy it, learn lots!
    good luck :)

  5. Is that Mandy Moore? Did not realize she could actually sing. Welcome to NY, but realize that loving it is just a trick of the mind we use to get through riding the subways each day...
